A year ago I ended up at the Gender Diversity in the Technological Workplace Summit simply out of curiosity. The list of speakers was interesting and I supported the idea of encouraging women into the technological workplace. That session must have had an impact on me because two weeks ago, not only did I find myself at the summit again, but I was part of the organizing committee lead by the team from Enterprise Greater Moncton and Landal Inc and sitting on a panel discussing how technology has shaped the workplace.
Why is it so important to encourage women into the Technology Sector? What’s so special about this sector in particular? We had topics based on: how technology has changed the world of work, careers in life sciences relating to technology, ICT/Engineering, and the financial industry. Listening to each of the panels, it was evident that the sector has a lot to offer everyone: women, men and our youth.
I found some information online that reiterates the increasing importance of IT into a more quantifiable manner.
Looking at these statistics, I wonder why we don’t have more women, and youth in general, interested in these careers. What is the missing piece in all of this? Enrolment rates are dropping across the country for technology related programs; regionally we are not at 100% capacity of the programs even when the hiring rate is virtually 100% for graduates. We simply can’t get the next generation interested. WHY??
We as a community teachers, parents, government and industry need to address this issue and begin showing students the value in pursuing science and technology-based careers. We need to better connect the students and their passions with this industry that needs them as employees. We know it can be a rewarding career, and this was a message delivered by the successful and ambitious women at the Gender Diversity Summit.
Community Engagement & Outreach Coordinator
Tech South East