Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Soft-Landing Program applications due Friday

A reminder that applications for this round of the Canadian Digital Media Network’s Outbound Soft-Landing Program close this Friday, November 29th.

The program offers qualified, mature startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) exposure to business opportunities around the world. It provides the opportunity to work from a partnered business accelerator to obtain regional support and resources for the right connections to help open new markets, close international sales or connect with new partners.
To date, 47 companies have had the opportunity to enter 17 foreign markets and identify more than $30 million in new business and investment opportunities – representing a return on investment of greater than 30 to 1.
For more information, click here or contact Lisa Cashmore, Soft-Landing Program Manager to learn more about how to apply for this great opportunity!

CDMN Soft-Landing Success Stories

·         Read More >

Monday, 18 November 2013

Startup Weekend New Brunswick Recap / Startup Weekend Nouveau-Brunswick Récapitulation

(français à suivre)

Startup Weekend New Brunswick was AWESOME. Here's a recap:

1. Congratulations to the winning teams:  MooBooks and HoloDocks!

2. Event metrics  45 attendees, 15 ideas pitched,  7 teams, 12 sponsors

3. Startup Weekend New Brunswick in the news:
Times and Transcript, Monday, Nov. 18, page A3 “Budding Entrepreneurs Inspired”

4. How you can stay connected with other attendees 
    •       Follow the hashtag on twitter @SWNB

5. When is the next Startup Weekend New Brunswick? Watch for the next Startup Weekend New Brunswick to take place in the spring in Saint John.

6. One big final THANK YOU to
Organizers: Izold Guihur, Sally Ng, Heather Boyd-Kinnie, Barbara Ells and Jessica Kennedy
Sponsors: Build Ventures, BDC, TKS, CYBF, U de M, Planet Hatch, Pond-Deshpande Centre at UNB, Tech South East, Stewart McKelvey, Government of New Brunswick, Workspace Atlantic, Moncton Miracles
Speaker: Walter Melanson,
Coaches: Sean Fahey, Sean Cook, Shawn Carver, Walter Melanson, Dale Ritchie, Nicole LeBlanc, Pablo Asiron, Dave Gallant, David Eisnor, Yves Boudreau, and Vera Milan Gervais
Judges: Izold Guihur, Anne Hébert, Dan Martell, and Trevor MacAusland

Thanks everyone for coming out, we hope to see you at the next event!


Barb, Sally, Heather, Jessica and Izold, the Startup Weekend NB organizing team!


Startup Weekend Nouveau-Brunswick était EXTRAORDINAIRE. Voici la récapitulation:

1. Félicitations aux équipes gagnantes : MooBooks and HoloDocks
2. Paramètres de l'événement: 45 participants, 15 présentations, 7 formation d'équipes, 12commanditaires
3. Fin de semaine de démarrage Nouveau-Brunswick dans les medias

Times and Transcript, Monday, Nov. 18, page A3 “Budding Entrepreneurs Inspired”
4. Comment pouvez-vous rester en contact avec les autres participants
• • Suivez le hashtag sur twitter @startupNB
5. Quand aura lieu la prochaine fin de semaine de démarrage Nouveau-Brunswick?  La prochaine fin de semaine de démarrage Nouveau-Brunswick aura lieu à Saint John au printemps.

5. Un grand MERCI final aux organismes et personnes suivantes:
Organisateurs: Organizers: Izold Guihur, Sally Ng, Heather Boyd-Kinnie, Barbara Ells and Jessica Kennedy
Commanditaires: Build Ventures, BDC, TKS, CYBF, U de M, Planet Hatch, Pond-Deshpande Centre at UNB, Tech South East, Stewart McKelvey, Government of New Brunswick, Workspace Atlantic, Moncton Miracles
Conférencier: Walter Melanson,
Coaches: Sean Fahey, Sean Cook, Shawn Carver, Walter Melanson, Dale Ritchie, Nicole LeBlanc, Pablo Asiron, Dave Gallant, David Eisnor, Yves Boudreau, and Vera Milan Gervais
Juges: Izold Guihur, Anne Hébert, Dan Martell, and Trevor MacAusland

Merci à tous, nous espérons vous voir au prochain événement!

Barb, Sally, Heather, Jessica and Izold, le Startup Weekend NB équipe!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Ready To Take Your Business Global?

Ready To Take Your Business Global?
Now accepting applications to the Canadian Digital Media Network’s Outbound Soft-Landing Program.

Are you ready to take your business global? Canadian companies must grow globally to succeed in a global digital economy.

There’s only so much that can be done through phone calls, emails and video conferencing. Sometimes the difference between closing a company-changing piece of business and a missed opportunity is a face-to-face meeting to close the deal.

That’s where the Canadian Digital Media Network’s Outbound Soft-Landing Program comes in. The program offers qualified, mature startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) exposure to business opportunities around the world.

It provides the opportunity to work from a partnered facility to obtain regional support and resources to help open new markets, close international sales or connect with new partners. Through the program, Canadian companies looking to expand in foreign markets anywhere in the world can qualify for up to three months of residency in partner facilities equipped to support their growth, plus up to $4,000 for transportation and hotel costs.

Ideal candidates are generating revenue already and have goals of growing their customer base, opening a satellite office, or developing distribution channels or secure partnerships.

Now in its fourth cohort, 47 participating companies have entered 17 international markets and identified more than $30 million in new business and investment opportunities, established key partnerships and connections.

How to Apply
As a hub member of the Canadian Digital Media Network, Tech South East provides you with exclusive access to this program. We’re accepting applications from November 11 to November 29, 2013 for companies looking to participate in soft landings outside the country between January 1 and March 15, 2014.

Please contact Barbara Ells at to find out more information about application requirements.

Want to Learn More?
For further enquiries please contact Lisa Cashmore, Manager, Soft-Landing Program, Canadian Digital Media Network; 519-804-2980 ext. 1075 or

Friday, 16 August 2013

In need of research expertise? Funding available... / Vous avez besoin de l’expertise d’un chercheur? Financement disponible...

(français à suivre)

New Brunswick technology and health companies in need of the latest research expertise need look no further than Mitacs-Accelerate. This national program connects companies with graduate students and university faculty members through short or long-term research projects aimed at addressing a company’s need. 

During a Mitacs-Accelerate internship, a highly-skilled graduate student or post-doctoral fellow spends approximately half of his or her time onsite with the company - collecting data, interacting with staff and gaining a thorough understanding of the research challenge; the balance of the intern’s time is spent at the university, developing innovative approaches to solve the challenge.

For each four-month internship unit, the company must contribute $7,500. But not to be missed is that Mitacs-Accelerate matches a company’s contribution dollar-for-dollar; a $7,500 investment instantly becomes $15,000. This is made possible through the support of the Government of Canada, the Networks of Centres of Excellence's Industrial Research and Development Internship program, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the Government of New Brunswick.  
For larger projects, Mitacs-Accelerate Clusters offer a unique solution; these involve multiple students, disciplines, universities and company partners and can span several years, maximizing the company’s contribution.

Interested companies should visit or contact Lindsay Bowman at  for more information.
Accelerate is administered by Mitacs, a national, not-for-profit research corporation which connects academia and industry through collaborative research projects. For more information, visit 



Les entreprises canadiennes de tous les secteurs qui souhaitent bénéficier d’une expertise de pointe en recherche savent qu’elles peuvent compter sur le programme Accélération de Mitacs. Accélération est un programme national qui jumelle des entreprises ayant des besoins en recherche avec des tandems de chercheurs réunissant un étudiant des cycles supérieurs et un professeur d’université dans le cadre d’une initiative de recherche de courte ou de longue durée destinée à répondre aux besoins de l’entreprise.
Le stagiaire Accélération est un étudiant de grand talent inscrit à la maîtrise ou au doctorat, ou encore un chercheur postdoctoral également très doué. Il consacre la moitié des heures de son stage à effectuer diverses tâches dans les locaux du partenaire industriel qui l’aura recruté : collecte de données, échanges avec les employés, étude des enjeux de la recherche, etc. Le reste de son temps, le stagiaire le passe à l'université, où il élabore des approches novatrices pour répondre aux défis de son partenaire industriel.

Le partenaire (l’entreprise), doit financer le stage de recherche à hauteur de 7 500 $ par unité de quatre mois de stage. Il importe de noter que Mitacs Accélération double automatiquement la contribution unitaire de l’entreprise, de sorte qu’un financement de 7 500 $ génère une enveloppe totale de 15 000 $. Le financement accordé par Mitacs est rendu possible grâce à la participation du gouvernement du Canada, du ministère de la Diversification de l’économie de l’Ouest et du Programme de stages en recherche et développement industrielle des Réseaux de centres d’excellence.

Pour les projets de grande envergure, les grappes de stages Mitacs Accélération se présentent comme une solution unique en son genre. Ce type de stages jumelle des étudiants de diverses universités et disciplines avec de multiples partenaires industriels dans le cadre d’une initiative de recherche pouvant s'échelonner sur plusieurs années, ce qui maximise la contribution des entreprises participantes.
Les entreprises qui souhaitent en savoir davantage sur le programme Accélération sont invitées à consulter notre site Web à ou à nous écrire à

Le programme Accélération est administré par Mitacs, un organisme national de recherche sans but lucratif qui met en place des partenariats université-entreprise dans le cadre de projets de recherche collaboratifs. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous à