Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Not Another Survey….

Like everyone else, when they appear in my inbox I generally hit delete without giving much thought as to why I have been sent that survey.  My days are full of activities that have a higher urgency. 

However, as a member and partner-based organization, we need that feedback on how you think we are doing and receive your input on things that we should be developing as we move forward.  We want to focus our efforts on activities that will contribute to the growth of the knowledge industry in our region.

So, this year instead of sending out an annual member survey, we are planning to visit each of our member companies over the coming couple of weeks – actual face-to-face meetings instead of survey check-boxes. This will also give us chance to introduce our newest team member to those of you who have not yet met Sally Ng, our Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator (and networker extraordinaire!).

Many of you are most familiar with us as the result of the seminars and workshops that we hosted during the past year and we would like your overall impressions on that Tech Talk series.  We’d like to hear the topics that would interest you for the next session.  Are the topics business skills focused or do you want to hear some sessions focused on the technical side of things? 

Tech South East’s activities have a much broader focus than workshops and seminars.  We believe that we must go beyond this to be a successful at working with companies and partners in our area to grow a tech culture in south east New Brunswick.  To this end, we have begun weaving together relationships to support the growth of our area into one that is known for its technology companies and the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that lives here. 

Our area CEOs have begun meeting to discuss their challenges and strengthen their support networks and we have identified area mentors to assist our members with challenges that they may be facing.  In addition to these local mentors, we have established relationships with peer organizations and can tap into expertise that they have within their advisor community. 

If you need additional expertise for an issue, let us know.  We will try to make the connections that you need.

We are looking forward to seeing you all once again – keep an eye out for that “meeting request” in place of the survey.


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